Recipe: Thai Sweetcorn Fritters

I’ve served these as canapés for a couple of recent supper clubs with Asian inspired menus. If you are making them for guests you can cook them in advance and then just gently reheat them in the oven. I like these with a bit of chilli heat so I suggest using an actual Thai brand of green curry paste such as Mae Ploy (supermarket brands don’t cut it with me) or better yet make your own paste.


3 corn on the cobs

100g rice flour (or you could use regular plain flour instead)

1 tsp baking powder

75 ml milk

3 eggs

3 tbsp of Thai Green Curry Paste

Handful of Thai basil (or coriander) – finely chopped2 spring onions – finely sliced

Dash of fish sauce

Sunflower or peanut oil

Sweet chilli sauce to serve


Cook corn on the cobs in boiling salted water until cooked (approximately 8 minutes). Cool and cut kernels off the cobs.

Combine flour and baking powder in a bowl. Then gradually whisk in the eggs and milk until you have a smooth batter. Then add the sweetcorn kernels, green curry paste and spring onions to the batter, mix well. Season with fish sauce to taste.

Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in frying pan and then drop in half tablespoons of the batter (to make small fritters). Cook for a couple of minutes until golden brown and then flip. Cook on the other side until golden brown. Repeat until all the batter is used up. Serve warm with sweet chilli sauce.

You can prepare and fry these in advance and then just reheat in a moderate oven for 10 minutes.


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