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Easy vegetarian kimchi
Kimchi - a ubiquitous Korean ferment - is traditionally made with fish sauce and/or shrimp paste to create a more-ish umami flavour. I’ve made mine with soy sauce and dulse (dillisk) flakes- which helps recreate that flavour but makes is veggie and vegan friendly.
Roasted cauliflower, black olives and romesco sauce
I have been obsessed with making romesco sauce all summer - it’s a Spanish sauce made with roasted peppers, tomatoes, almonds, bread and smoked paprika - and it’s amazing with steak or roast chicken. But I find it to be particularly delicious with roasted cruciferous vegetables, that’s your broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage and of course cauliflower. There is something about the slight bitterness of this family of vegetables with the sweet sharp sauce that makes both absolutely sing!
Spicy Thai Lettuce Cups
Full of all the yummy aromas of South East Asia this dish is delicious as a starter and looks extremely colourful as a canape too.